miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

Presentation "OneWolf"

Hello everyone! I am OneWolf (also known as: The Lone Wolf), member of MIAClan.net. This is my Google+ profile. Hope you like them all! Follow my videos, comment, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and visit my Facebook page: One.Wolf & MMO Games.

Hola a todos! Yo soy OneWolf (tambien conocido como: El Lobo Solitario), miembro de MIAClan.net. Este es mi Perfil de Google+. Y espero que les guste a todos! Sigan mis videos, comenten, suscribete a mi canal de YouTube, y visita mi pagina de Facebook: One.Wolf & MMO Games.

My Games: Battlefield Play4Free (BFP4F), Battlefield 4 (BF4), Battlefield 3 (BF3), Ghost Recon Online (GRO), Call of Dury (CoD), World of Tanks (WoT), World of Warplanes (WoWp), World of Warships (WoWs), War Thunder (WT), Halo [Saga], Grand Theft Auto [GTA Saga] , and Need For Speed [Saga].


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