[BFP4F] How to Make "Cinematic Videos" [Camera Mode] with the Engineer:
How to make "Cinematic Videos" in Camera mode?
- You need the following things:
Soldier: Engineer.
Weapons: RPG or XM25 Airburst Grenade Launcher.
Vehicles: Helicopter (Apache), Desert Patrol Vehicle (DPV), FAV Buggy, and/or Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB).
CODE (Text):
renderer.drawHud 0
renderer.drawMinimap 0
renderer.drawMapIconAlpha 0
renderer.drawKillMessages 0
renderer.drawRadioMessages 0
renderer.drawChatMessages 0
renderer.drawControlpoints 0
renderer.drawNametags 0
Information 1): To remove the game interface of BFP4F, and play with the screen clean (except the weapon) must do the following: Go to the folder "Battlefield Play4Free" located in My Documents! Example: C:\Users\Supervisor\Documents\Battlefield Play4Free. Copy the code (text) above, and paste in the text file: Video!
Information 2): To view in mode files: Notepad, you have to click right on the file: Video (located in: C:\Users\Supervisor\Documents\Battlefield Play4Free) and then click Properties. Where it says "Opens with:" you give "Change" and choose the option: Notepad! Then give Apply and Save! And everything will be ready to view the file in text format!
Information 3): To put the game in normal mode (default), you have to go to the text file "Video" and remove the code (text) that have been put above. After this, you give Save!
Information 4): To create the "Camera" mode you have to use the Engineer! And one of the following weapons: RPG, XM25 Airburst Grenade Launcher, or enter in the Helicopter (Apache) and press the F2 key to enter in Copilot mode! To record moving but faster, you have to use a car! I recommend the Desert Patrol Vehicle (DPV)! But they have to look to the left of the driver!